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The Top 5 Questions to Ask in an Interview!

Apr 04, 2021

In an Interview you are often judged more heavily on the Wise Questions that you ask than the Answers that you Give.

 I was talking with a friend, Annette Samson, recently and she told me the story about how she landed her first job out of college.

It was in a field that she had no degree for and on the surface of the job description she was not qualified for. 

The professor was looking for a graduate with Microbiology or Virology experience and she received her degree in Plant Science.

However, there was more to the story than what was listed on the job description. (The is always more to the story)!

He was really looking more for someone with the Soft Skills that were not listed in the job description than the technical skills that were listed. 

Often times, a hire is made more on the basis of the rapport, "chemistry", and the "like-ability" of the candidate than the technical or educational experience.

 My friend, Annette, was sharp enough to Change the subject mid-interview from the technical issues to the soft skills by asking a personal question about the African Violets that the hiring manager had in his office. (And something that she was indeed VERY FAMILIAR with, since her degree was in Plant Science.) 

She shrewdly, "Hijacked the Interview", by asking a terrific question that moved the interview from the Technical Skills to the Soft Skills.


So when you arrive at the office of a company, take a look around and gauge the Vibe of the Office Culture and when / if you walk into the office of the hiring manager, Look at the office and see what the hiring manager is interested in and what pictures or items he / she is interested in.  

Pick up on that and ask them a question about something personal that you see because people are ALWAYS more interested in themselves than they are in you.

So ask them a question about them and get them to talking! 

ASKING WISE QUESTIONS AND LISTENING are two terrific Soft Skills that will get you hired! 

The Top 5 Questions you should ask in an interview!

  • Why is this a great place to work and what do you love about it? 
  • After I've been working here for a year,  What does the "win" look like?  What would you like for me to have successfully completed? 
  • What is a reasonable career path for someone like me who is hired for this role?
  • What will the "day to day" tasks look like for me in this role?  
  • What are the Next Steps in the interview Process? 


And at some point during the interview, ask them a personal question particularly something of interest to them. Always check their Linkedin Profile for a clue on a hobby or a topic of interest that is important to them! 

If it is at the beginning of an interview, it may be a simple "Icebreaker question", to get them relaxed and enjoying you as a person.

At the end of the interview, it may be a question to shift the interview to the soft skills in order to "Get them to Like YOU!"

Curious if you have any Interview questions that you like to use? 

If so, please let me know, I would love to hear them! 

Happy Interviewing! 

Pat B




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